Test Proctoring Services - Students - Crafton Hills College
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Hello CHC Student,

In order to better accommodate you in your exams and quizzes, please adhere to the Test Proctor Procedures and Student Responsibilities.

  • I am responsible for meeting with an SAS Counselor prior to every semester to complete my Testing Accommodation Notification Form.
  • I am responsible for ensuring that all my instructors have received a copy of my testing accommodation notification form by initiating a contact with them (electronically or in person) at the beginning of the semester (preferably the first class meeting). As part of this contact, I will work out any details with my instructor about my testing accommodations (e.g., how the instructor will deliver a copy of tests to the SAS office, days/times that I will be taking tests, deadlines to take tests, etc.).
  • I will remind my instructor of my accommodations at least five business days before my quiz/exam. I understand that the best way to provide this notification is by email so that a record of my reminder exists.
  • I will allow my instructors at least five (5) days' advance notice to arrange delivery of exams to the SAS office in order to guarantee testing accommodations.
  • I will allow myself enough time to complete exams during SAS office hours (Monday – Thursday 8 a.m. – 5:45 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m. – 12:45 p.m).
  • Testing materials are the only items allowed in the testing room. All personal items will be put away before testing begins and may not be accessed until testing is completed.
  • All testing materials, including exams, scantrons, answer sheets, and scratch paper will be collected by the SAS Staff and returned to the instructor. Extended testing time is determined by a certified SAS Counselor and will be monitored by SAS office staff.
  • All exams and quizzes are to be taken on the same day and same time as scheduled class meetings. For classes scheduled outside of SAS office hours, I need to make arrangements with my instructor to take exams during SAS office hours.
  • Exam make-ups or completions will only be allowed if permission is granted by the instructor and communicated in writing by the instructor directly to the SAS office.

Student Accessibility Services
Crafton Hills College
11711 Sand Canyon Road
Yucaipa, CA 92399
Phone: 909-389-3325
Fax: 909-794-3684