Academic Senate Meeting Norms - Crafton Hills College
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Below is a list of guidelines to promote positive, productive interactions during Senate meetings.

  • Senators should review all agenda items and documents before the start of the meeting.  
    • If possible, all documents and resources needed for the agenda should be linked to the appropriate agenda item.  
    • Agenda topics should be kept within the time frame assigned.  
  • Senators shall be respectful of the scheduled meetings times, arriving on time and staying until the schedule time or until business is completed, whatever is first.  
    • Senators should address all contributions to the meeting via the Presiding Officer, presenter, or designee.  
    • Senators should come prepared and be fully present for the duration of the meeting.  
    • Senators should communicate openly and honestly, respectfully, one at a time, and without sidebars.  
  • Senator comments must be professional, on topic, to the point, and unbiased.  
  • Senators who do not comply with these meeting norms will be asked to leave the meeting by the Presiding Officer and will only be allowed to return after reviewing and agreeing to abide by these meeting norms.