ESL Program - Crafton Hills College
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Welcome! This is the website to Crafton Hills College’s English as a Second Language/Multilingual Noncredit Program. We’re so glad you are here!

Our program is designed to help English language learners’ develop everyday English and academic literacies. Our ESL noncredit courses can help you:

  • Improve your English language skills and literacies, such as reading, writing, conversation, and many more
  • Learn skills that can help you succeed at school, in the workplace, and in everyday life
  • Build your confidence in English
  • Meet others with similar experiences
  • Transition to taking credit courses

What Courses Do We Have?

We have four levels of ESL noncredit classes from Low Intermediate to Advanced. We do not have beginner level classes. Many ESL students underestimate their English proficiency level, but if you feel you are not quite ready for our program just yet, we recommend taking courses at one of our local adult school partners. Please talk to any one of our faculty and staff -  we are happy to provide you with more information to help you make the right decision.

ESL Course Sequence

ESL/N 601 Multilingual Literacy 1 This course is designed to improve the writing of sentences and paragraphs and build on speaking, listening, and conversation skills. Students will write multi-paragraph compositions and read short texts. They will also learn how to navigate Canvas/LMS, write effective emails, and practice other computer-based tasks.
ESL/N 602 Multilingual Literacy 2 Students in this course will write multi-page compositions and learn how to closely read a variety of texts, paying close attention to the author’s purpose, main points, and supporting details. Students will continue to work on their English conversation skills and carry out computer-based activities, including locating and evaluating information on the web.
ESL/N 603 Multilingual Literacy 3 Students in this course will read a variety of texts, including books.  They will pay close attention to how texts are structured and will be introduced to citation styles and conventions. Students will also write in a variety of genres and conduct web and library research.  Students will learn appropriate strategies for communicating in a variety of settings and get to know campus resources and services.  

ESL/N 604 Multilingual Literacy 4

This course is designed to help  students transition into English 101. Students in this course will read a variety of texts, including books and academic articles as well as learn about the choices made by language users for effective communication, especially in writing. Students will also write in a variety of genres and will continue to learn about citation styles and conventions. Students will continue to get to know campus services and resources as well as gain more opportunities to participate in the larger campus culture and beyond.


Not Sure Which ESLN Course Level to Take? 

We put together a short survey to help guide you! The survey is designed to help identify the ESL noncredit course level that best matches your current English language skills. You're welcome to retake the survey several times to ensure you choose the appropriate level. 

This survey is meant as a suggestion only. Once you get your results, you can choose the level that seems to best fit your goals.

Take the ESLN Self-Placement Survey


What Will I Study?

  • Grammar and meaning
  • English conversation 
  • Everyday and academic vocabulary
  • College reading and writing
  • College preparation
  • Effective presentation 
  • Learning strategies
  • Campus services and resources
  • Computer and technology skills, including word processing, email communication, effective web and library search, and many more!
  • The connection among language, context, identity, and culture


What Does "Noncredit" Mean?

  • Enrollment is free! Students only need to pay for insurance, parking, and other campus fees.
  • There are also NO out-of-state tuition fees for anyone, including undocumented students
  • No grades are awarded
  • Courses do not appear on transcripts
  • Courses are repeatable

We are Here to Help You!

We have a team of faculty and staff who are happy to help you register and answer any of your questions. 

Alex Jaco

Herberth “Alex” Jaco

Transition Counselor California Adult Education Program (CAEP) Outreach & Educational Partnerships

Text messages: 909-285-9085
To schedule an appointment:


Chloe de los Reyes

Chloe de los Reyes

Professor, English
(voice calls only) 909-389-3566


B.A. English Literature, California State University, San Bernardino

M.A. English Composition, California State University, San Bernardino

Text messages:  909-747-9213


You may also contact the Office of Outreach and Educational Partnerships:

CCR-154 (Campus Map) | 909-389-3525 | 


What Students Say

I started attending classes at Crafton Hills College in 2022. I remember the first time I was on campus. I had many feelings, such as being intimidated, nervous, and excited because I was there to study and learn English. I was taking the first step to reach my goals, which was to enroll in the class and to start my journey, so I can understand when other people talk to me in English, read a school report with my son, make a doctor’s appointment, and write paragraphs. My professor provided an environment rich in materials, discussion, and practice where I was not scared to make mistakes. Her class helped me to improve my skills and helped me to be more confident in my writing, reading, and speaking skills. This confidence helped me take other general ed and Child Development classes. I will graduate next year with my Associate's Degree in Child Development and want to continue my journey at California State University of San Bernardino. I recommend the ESLN program to everyone who is reading my story. I learned everything in life is possible with dedication and the support of our loved ones.



I started attending ESLN 601 class in Fall of 2021 because I wanted to improve my writing and reading skills. This class helped me a lot to continue learning English because my first language is Spanish. In Spring 2022, I enrolled in ESLN 602. At the same time, I started other classes like Anthropology and Dance because I was feeling more comfortable with myself. In  Fall of 2022, I enrolled  in ESLN 603 class and decided to take English 101 too. Taking both classes at the same time helped me complete them. Taking ENG 101 was a big challenge in trusting myself, and I was lucky I had classmates in that class who were very nice. They helped me  understand my assignments and corrected me when I was wrong.  By the time I took ESLN 604, I felt very confident, so I decided to enroll in other classes too. I have already completed 7 classes and I continue to work on my Associates Degree in Computer Information Systems. Completing the four courses of ESLN is helping me reach my goals.



I was at a point in my life where I felt stuck in my personal and professional development. I also experienced stigma as an immigrant and ESL learner in this country. I found myself in an interior battle to find the courage to hop out of my comfort zone to reach for my goals.

Once I got brave enough to enroll in ESLN 601 in 2021, my life expectations grew like never before. I have the privilege to say that I was part of the first ESLN pilot class! Our teacher supported us emotionally and academically. I saw improvement in my reading and writing skills as well as in my self-confidence. As a result, in just the three months of taking classes, I got a better position at my workplace! After that, I became a substitute teacher for the 23-24 school year in Beaumont Unified School District. I’ll never regret taking ESLN courses at Crafton Hills College.

- Jaquelin


When I started my ESLN classes at Crafton Hills College, I had arrived in the United States 4 years before and two of those years were spent in the midst of the pandemic. Therefore, it was a gift to be able to take these classes and interact with my classmates and teacher. Although I was able to read technical English, as I’ve been a professor in Brazil, my country, I had great difficulty with the language. During the ESLN classes, I felt welcomed and was able to expose my insecurities about learning a new language as an adult. This welcoming space, then, enabled my learning process to be triggered. My instructor created a no-pressure, playful, relaxed, and friendly environment for learning. The experience in the ESLN Program at Crafton Hills College was crucial in encouraging me to take the Freshman Composition – English 101 classes, where I was able to further develop my writing skills and understand the U.S. culture. Without a doubt, the ESLN program at Crafton Hills College gave me self-confidence and a solid foundation in the English language, as well as a positive outlook for the job market. Today I am a tutor in Writing and Social Sciences at the same institution. I can only be grateful for being a student in Crafton Hills College's ESLN program and for the way it creates a welcoming and understanding space for immigrants like me.
