CHC Hiking Group
Publish Date: Sept. 15, 2020

In May 2020, CHC faculty member Sabrina Jimenez organized a hike to reconnect with her colleagues during quarantine. “People were starting to look really depressed on Zoom and I thought it would be fun to get people together for an outdoor activity that wasn’t restricted,” said Jimenez. “Hiking is ideal because exercise and socialization have a positive impact on mental health during this social distancing experience,” she continued.
The group has now expanded to twelve faculty, staff, retirees, and administrators who have hiked San Gorgonio, Alger Creek, Angelus Oaks, El Dorado Ranch Park, Zanja Peak, Vivian Creek, and even an overnight trip to the San Bernardino Peak.
There are generally two hikes organized per month, depending on weather.