Crafton Hills College Regional Fire Academy Receives Donation of Fire Engine
Publish Date: July 21, 2020

Crafton Hills College Regional Fire Academy is the recipient of the donation of a Wildland "Type 3" fire engine from the San Bernardino County Fire Department.
The program currently holds two full-time fire academies per year, and the donation
of the fire engine will benefit students directly. An integral part of the fire academy
curriculum is the emphasis placed on wildland firefighting operations. With a "Type
3" fire engine on site, students will more effectively learn the various manipulative
hose evolutions that are required in the curriculum.
"This generous donation will greatly improve our program as well as bring industry
consistency to the students during their time in the academy," said Michael Alder,
chief of the CHC Fire Academy. "It is ironic that this particular fire engine was
one that I had actually helped develop and build while heading up our apparatus committee
with the San Bernardino City Fire Department, so I'm very familiar with this fire
The apparatus is a 1999 International / Pierce Type III Brush Engine, which served
the San Bernardino Area for more than 20 years. The four-wheel drive engine carries
500 gallons of water, pumps 500 GPM & has the ability to "pump and roll," which is
crucial for wildland firefighting. Besides the engine, it comes with a full wildland
compliment of gear consistent with industry standards.
"With fire season longer, hotter and more than intense than ever before, this engine
will be a great addition to their training fleet," said Michael McClintock, Battalion
7, Division 4. "California crews are truly at risk and remain busy year around. CHC
does a fantastic job with getting academy graduates ready for the work force. "
The partnership between the Fire Technology program at Crafton Hills College and the
Fire Department is a rich one. More than 100 SBCOFD firefighters have completed CHC
Fire Academy, including McClintock. The Fire Academies at CHC are an integral part
of San Bernardino County's "Cradle to Career" program, providing
educational training and tracks to a career. Additionally, many instructors are current
or retired firefighters from the Department.
"On behalf of our long running program as well as the Crafton Hills College and the
San Bernardino Community College District, I would like to thank the San Bernardino
County Fire Department for this great donation and all of the support that they have
provided us throughout the years," said Alder. "We truly value our great working relationship
and the positive impact it has on our communities."
Previously the Fire Department has donated two other "Type 1" fire engines as well
as a "Rescue Squad."