Honors Institute Recognizes Graduates
Publish Date: June 18, 2020

CHC Honors Coordinator Judy Cannon was unwavering in her commitment to celebrate the accomplishments of the 2020 graduates who completed the College Honors Institute (CHI) program despite COVID19 disruptions. Cannon declared, “just because we aren’t having a luncheon to honor your achievements doesn’t mean we don’t want the world to know that you are an HONORS COMPLETER!” In lieu of the traditional luncheon, Cannon arranged for students to pick up yard signs designating their accomplishment, purple Honors stoles embossed with the letters “CHI,” and certificates of completion.
Thirty-seven CHC Honors Institute graduates met the following requirements: completion of 15 semester units in honors courses with a grade of A or B, a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher in all transferable course work, completion of 15 hours of community service, and completion of associate degree requirements.
Six of the graduates were designated as Honors Research Fellows and received a patch which was sewn onto their stole. Research Fellows are students who participate in research workshops put on by the Honors Institute and present their research in at least one research conference, either at Crafton or at a university or professional organization.