3C Media - Crafton Hills College
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3C Media Solutions
Free Professional Captioning for CA Community College Instructors

3C Media Solutions is another Chancellor's Office grant funded service that provides FREE captioning for online/hybrid California community college instructors (When funding is available). Content is uploaded to 3C Media on your own page, and your content is captioned (usually) within 5 days. You must first create your own free 3CMedia account to start using this service. Below is a step by step demo video on how to get started:


NOTE: Grant funds for 3C Media captioning are limited. 3C Media gets CA grant funding from the CCC, so they can offer CCC faculty free captioning. When captioning grant funds are available, I recommend using this professional closed-captioning service. If the grant funds are temporarily depleted, or you have many videos to process quickly, I highly recommend utilizing AI-Media professional captioning services, listed below.