CHC IRB Approved Research Projects
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Crafton IRB Approved Research Projects for the Current Academic Year

Term Approved Title Brief Description Current Status 
Spring 2018 Developmental Education Pathway Success: A Study on the Intersection of Adjunct Faculty and Self-Regulated Learning The purpose of the project is to conduct a needs analysis in the areas of knowledge and skill, motivation, and organizational resources necessary to increase the developmental education pathway throughput rates in English at Crafton Hills College to 51.68% by 2022. The population of focus in this  study is adjunct instructors of developmental education English. the sample selected from this population will consist of four instructors. Ongoing
Fall 2017 The Relationship Between Nutrition Knowledge and Obesity in Southern California Adults The purpose of this study is to find the relationship between nutrition knowledge and obesity. We will recruit 1000 participants who reside in Southern California. This includes both male and female participants between the age of 18-55. Although there will be no personal benefits to participants, the scientific knowledge gained from this study may help with the understanding of how the effects of nutrition knowledge will impact a person’s weight and possibly their food choices. Ongoing
Fall 2017 Development of Enhanced Career and College Readiness Indices for Smarter Balanced High School Assessments The purpose of this study is to develop indices to support improved college- and career- readiness inferences within K-12 standardized assessments. Combining qualitative and quantitative approaches, the project will develop a coherent and scalable means of evaluating assessment items, as well as undertake development of new, richer, technology-enhanced items, without adding more testing time for students. Ultimately, the goal of this research is to help ensure students are successful for college and career.  
Spring 2017 Body image based on physical activity frequency The purpose of this study is to explore the difference in body image in college freshman females within similar BMI groups who differ in physical activity frequency. To determine how body image differs based on PA frequency, and use that to help promote and keep physical education in schools. Ongoing